
Indonesia Works to Rescue 20 Trafficking Victims in Myanmar
By Niniek Karmini
Fake recruiters allegedly offered the Indonesian victims high-paying jobs in Thailand but instead trafficked them to Myawaddy in Myanmar.

The Diplomat Magazine Hits Issue 100
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
The Diplomat reaches a milestone: reflecting on 100 issues of the magazine.

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meet Under Shadow of Myanmar Crisis
By Niniek Karmini
Indonesia is setting up an office of an ASEAN special envoy on Myanmar in Jakarta to spearhead how the bloc deals with the crisis.

Displaced from Myanmar: Can’t Go Back and Can’t Go Forward
By Evan Jones
Despite the sizeable numbers of refugees from Myanmar within Asia, the overall protection environment remains flimsy.

Europe and ASEAN Should Work Together on Myanmar Crisis
By John Sifton
Neither the EU nor ASEAN can deal with the crisis in Myanmar alone, but together they can make a difference.

In Post-Coup Myanmar: ‘Death Squads’ and Extrajudicial Killings
By Manny Maung
Pro-junta armed groups that have claimed responsibility for of extrajudicial killings have faced no consequences in Myanmar.

Graft Convictions Extend Aung San Suu Kyi’s Prison Term to 26 Years
By Grant Peck
New convictions extend the NLD leader's prison term, an effort critics of the military government say is designed to keep her from contesting elections planned for 2023.

Myanmar’s Executions Have Turned the Country’s Struggle Into a Zero-Sum Game
By Minn Tent Bo
The recent resumption of executions has pushed the resistance movement in Myanmar into a zero-sum game with the military from which there can be no going back.

The ICC Must Engage With Myanmar’s Democratic Government and Hold the Junta to Account
By John Dugard, Chris Gunness, Tommy Thomas, Yuyun Wahyuningrum, and Ralph Wilde
There is no way the people of Myanmar will find justice in national courts. The international community must act.

Myanmar Executions Revive Pressure for More Sanctions
By Elaine Kurtenback
The U.S. Senate is inching toward passage of the Burma Act, which would pave the way for sanctions on Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE).

‘The Sacrifice Zone’: Myanmar Bears Cost of Green Energy
By Dake Kang, Victoria Milko, and Lori Hinnant
Just as dirty rare earths trickle down the supply chains of companies, they also slip through the cracks of regulation.

No End in Sight: 18 Months of Military Rule in Myanmar
By Ankit Panda
What is the state of Myanmar’s complex internal insurgency and how has the international response evolved since the January 2021 coup?