Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

India’s Stake in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
By Seamus Duffy
Armenia is a crucial player in the planned International North-South Transportation Corridor. Its defeat will require India to adjust its strategy for the South Caucasus.

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Diplomatic Repercussions for Pakistan
By Shahid Hussain
While Nagorno-Karabakh is over 2,000 kilometers from Pakistan’s borders, its conflicts may have a lasting effect on Pakistan’s diplomacy.

Was the Nagorno-Karabakh Deal a Missed Opportunity for the CSTO?
By Janko Šćepanović
Another diplomatic win for Russian bilateralism or a missed opportunity for one of Moscow’s regional multilateral institutions -- the Collective Security Treaty Organization?

Can China Broker the Resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict?
By Vasif Huseynov
China’s expanding economic ties with the two sides of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict give Beijing important leverage to push for quick resolution.
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