
Naoto Kan

Japan: The Ministry That Cried Wolf

Japan: The Ministry That Cried Wolf

By Richard Katz
Japan's Finance Ministry has been predicting a government bond crash since the 70s.
Japan’s Nuclear Energy Choices

Japan’s Nuclear Energy Choices

By Kathleen Araújo
The country has the chance to create a more durable national energy strategy.

Japan Will Reactivate Nuclear Plants

Japan Will Reactivate Nuclear Plants

By Ankit Panda
The Abe administration is attempting to restart several of Japan's nuclear reactors.

Japan Tries (Yet) Again

Japan Tries (Yet) Again

Yoshihiko Noda takes office at the most crucial time for Japan in half a century, says Michael Auslin. But with lacklustre public support, he has his work cut out.

Building a New DPJ

Building a New DPJ

Yoshihiko Noda faces plenty of challenges as Japan’s new prime minister. The most immediate is choosing his new government.

Japan as Belgium

Japan as Belgium

Naoto Kan’s resignation is a reminder of how dysfunctional Japanese politics is. Will the public demand change?

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Any big shift from nuclear power will take years. It’s time for Japan’s politicians to show some leadership to ensure the country’s reactors get back online.

Japan, Russia Trade Kurils Barbs

Russia voices frustration after US offers support for Japan’s claims in the Kuril Islands dispute.

Knives Out (Again) in Japan

Knives Out (Again) in Japan

Naoto Kan’s days as premier look numbered, says veteran Japan watcher Karel van Wolferen. But who comes next is much less clear.

Japan's Depressing Squabbling

Japan's Depressing Squabbling

As Japan’s politicians squabble, the public is getting frustrated. Sadly, the DPJ can’t even put its own house in order.

Kan Holding On, for Now

Kan Holding On, for Now

Naoto Kan survives a no-confidence motion following a deal with a former premier. But his days are now numbered.

Japan's Crisis and the SDF

Japan’s Self-Defense Force had good reviews for its post-crisis performance. Is the public ready for more?

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