
Narendra Modi

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Revising Warsaw-New Delhi Ties After Indian the Foreign Minister’s Visit to Poland

Revising Warsaw-New Delhi Ties After Indian the Foreign Minister’s Visit to Poland

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s economic ties with Poland are not very strong, but relations have potential.
India-Bhutan Ties Are Thriving

India-Bhutan Ties Are Thriving

By Sumit Kumar
Bhutan has been a time-tested friend to India, but Delhi could do more to address Bhutanese concerns.

India's Upcoming Digital Tax: How Will Big Tech Cope?

India's Upcoming Digital Tax: How Will Big Tech Cope?

By Rohan Seth
India comes to term with an internationalizing digital economy.

Sino-Indian Relations: Wuhan Spirit Under Growing Strain

Sino-Indian Relations: Wuhan Spirit Under Growing Strain

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The already tenuous effort by both sides to manage their ties has been further complicated by contemporary developments.

Will Modi Resume the Battle Against Corruption?

Will Modi Resume the Battle Against Corruption?

By Yifei Yan and Alfred M. Wu
It would be costly not to. So how can Modi 2.0 advance anti-corruption efforts?
How India’s Kashmir Move May Complicate Its Border Dispute With China

How India’s Kashmir Move May Complicate Its Border Dispute With China

By Ankit Panda
The Indian government’s move will make border negotiations with China more difficult.

The Modi Government Scraps Kashmir's Special Status: What Now?

The Modi Government Scraps Kashmir's Special Status: What Now?

By Harsh V. Pant
Modi alters the Kashmir dynamic.
Kashmir and a Second Modi Government: Press Freedoms Under Siege

Kashmir and a Second Modi Government: Press Freedoms Under Siege

By Adnan Bhat
In the disputed Muslim-majority region, a muzzled press and attempts to erode the state’s special status provoke anxiety

What Does Trump’s Kashmir Storm Mean for US-India Relations?

What Does Trump’s Kashmir Storm Mean for US-India Relations?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While the controversy risked being added to the list of issues both sides are having, thus far the fallout has been managed relatively well.

Russia-India-China Trilateral Grouping: More Than Hype?

Russia-India-China Trilateral Grouping: More Than Hype?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
A closer look at the development of the mechanism and the drivers behind it.

Osaka G20: The Important Meeting Most Media Missed

Osaka G20: The Important Meeting Most Media Missed

By Andrey Panevin
The Sino-Russian partnership has growing appeal for other countries (including India) as the West flounders.
India at the 2019 G20 Summit: Priorities and Challenges

India at the 2019 G20 Summit: Priorities and Challenges

By Harsh V. Pant
Amid global disarray, India has an opportunity to make its presence felt.

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