national security

Can Apocalypse Be Dealt With?
By Abhijnan Rej
A recent lecture by the head of Australia’s internal security raises interesting questions around responses to catastrophic risks.

The Importance of Internalizing Feminism in Australian Foreign Policy
By Grant Wyeth
A successful foreign policy will always begin at home.

Narendra Modi’s 2019 Landslide: Why It Happened and What Happens Next
By Abhijnan Rej
Modi’s chest-thumping over Pakistan paid off.

Australia Needs a New National Security Strategy
By Samuel Bashfield
Drafting a new national security strategy will be a grueling and charged affair, but it's time for an update.

Weaponizing Commerce: Trump, China, and CFIUS
By Guido Alberto Casanova
U.S. perceptions that Chinese trade and investment practices are unfair and harmful for national interests are here to stay.

China's New 'Cybersecurity' Rules Look Like Cyberprotectionism Instead
By Huan Zhu
China's new laws on cybersecurity are no better than trade protectionism in a new guise.

Will the Next Pentagon Head Speak Truth to Power?
By Ankit Panda
Ash Carter, the United States' soon-to-be-defense secretary, won't shy away from disagreeing with the White House.

Time to Review the AUMF?
By Ankit Panda
The debate over revising or repealing the Authorization for the Use of Military Force is likely to become a major one.

Japan's State Secrets Bill Polarizes Society
By Justin McDonnell
The state secrets protection bill will punish leakers with up to 10 years in prison and a 10 million yen fine.

What Will China's New National Security Council Do?
The Third Plenum wasn’t entirely about economic reform as expected.

Forget the S-300, Here Comes the S-400
“It has many features specifically designed to overcome countermeasures and stealth…”

The Language of Australia’s New Defense White Paper: In Tune With U.S.?
“Canberra and Washington singing the same strategic tune can only be welcomed, in language and in policy.”
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