National Security Agency

China Helped Reveal N. Korean Cheating on Denuclearization: NSA Leaks

US Cyber Command’s Veiled Threat: China ‘Vulnerable’ in Cyberspace
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. Admiral Mike Rogers hints at retaliatory cyber strikes should China continue malicious hacks.

US: Hackers Will 'Pay A Price' for Cyber Attacks
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a recent speech, the head of the NSA notes that the U.S. will retaliate against malicious actors in cyberspace.

A Geneva Convention for Cyberspace?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
It may be worthwhile discussing the differences between analog and digital weapon arsenals.

Is China the Biggest Thief in Cyberspace?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
According to some former U.S. officials, the answer is yes; however some experts harbor doubts.

Is the US Behind the Most Sophisticated Cyber Attacks to Date?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A report by a Russian cybersecurity firm lays bare the activities of a highly sophisticated cyber attack group.

Casualties of Cyber Warfare
By Cameron Stevens
American and Chinese companies are getting caught in the crossfire of the brewing cyber war.

Are Snowden’s Revelations Russia and China’s Poison Pill?
By Robert Garrett
The two countries may find it difficult to handle any data they have acquired.

Yes, Edward Snowden Is a Traitor
By Zachary Keck
Despite the events of this week, it is beyond dispute that Snowden is guilty of treason.

3 Reasons the NSA Controversy Isn't High Noon
“The Naval Diplomat’s verdict on the NSA-High Noon analogy: fail.”

Outrage Over NSA Spying Spreads to Asia
More information about the NSA’s operations in Asia has come to light, sparking widespread outrage.

The US and China Trade Barbs On Cyber
The US is the “biggest [cyber] villain in our age,” while China’s espionage is the most “significant transfer of wealth in history.”
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