National Security Strategy

The Future of American Power in Uncertain Times
By Monish Tourangbam
The deployment of U.S. power is indeed passing through a phase when it can no longer ignore the tectonic forces of a changing balance of power in the world.

The Trump Administration's National Security and National Defense Strategies Reveal a Change in Mindset Toward China
By Dingding Chen
Competition is going to be fierce, but conflict is still less likely and manageable.

China Reprimands US Over 2018 National Defense Strategy
By Charlotte Gao
Both the Chinese foreign ministry and defense ministry criticized Washington's “Cold War” mentality.

Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed
By Ankit Panda
It does appear, though, that there's a path of confrontation ahead for the United States and China.

Trump's National Security Strategy: Long on Realism, Short on Geoeconomics
By Jeremy Maxie
Obsession with zero-sum trade reciprocity and bilateralism risk losing Asia to China.

Trump’s National Security Strategy Faces Severe Backlash in China
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese foreign ministry reprimands the United States for “malicious slander.”

Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report by a Washington-based think tank argues that the US should heed the advice of the father of containment.

The White House Releases a New National Security Strategy
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new document is meant to explain the purpose and promise of American power in the years ahead.

United States: Where’s the Strategy?
By Andy Zelleke and Justin Talbot Zorn
Looking for a coherent national vision? The National Security Strategy is not it.

Japan to Approve New China-Centric Defense Posture
By Zachary Keck
Tokyo showed reporters drafts of the new National Defense Program Guidelines and National Security Strategy.
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