
natural gas

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RIP King Coal?

RIP King Coal?

A slump in prices has seen a spate of mine closures and job cuts. Can coal bounce back?

Getting Canadian Gas to Asian Markets

Getting Canadian Gas to Asian Markets

With a limited window of opportunity, can Canada tap Asia’s growing natural gas market?

Pakistan's Energy Savior: Iran

Pakistan's Energy Savior: Iran

President Zardari is in Iran today to push ahead with the construction of a natural gas pipeline.

China's Shale Gas Dream

China's Shale Gas Dream

By James Parker
China is believed to hold the world’s largest reserves of shale gas. Making it viable will be the challenge.

The Geopolitics of Pakistan's Shi'a Problem

The Geopolitics of Pakistan's Shi'a Problem

The growing sectarian violence in Balochistan should be of the utmost concern to Islamabad — and the region.

America: The Next Energy Superpower?

America: The Next Energy Superpower?

This year, the U.S. will likely surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia as the largest liquids fuel producer in the world.

North America's Energy Boom Meets Climate Change

North America's Energy Boom Meets Climate Change

Will climate change and climate change policies be affected?

A Global Energy Shift

A Global Energy Shift

New finds of shale gas and unconventional oil could spark a shift in global energy flows – and the world economy.

A 'Pipe Dream?' Russia, North and South Korea's Gas Pipeline Quest

A 'Pipe Dream?' Russia, North and South Korea's Gas Pipeline Quest

A pipeline across N. Korea to provide natural gas to S. Korea has generated buzz. Will old divisions scrap the deal?

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

Why Beijing’s energy strategy entrenches the narrative of China as a “irresponsible stakeholder.”

North America's Natural Gas Boom Comes to the Asia-Pacific

North America's Natural Gas Boom Comes to the Asia-Pacific

Will North America’s new found wealth in energy reserves impact Asia?

China, Canada and Oil: A Complicated Calculus

China, Canada and Oil: A Complicated Calculus

Despite efforts by Beijing to invest in Canada’s vast natural resources, challenges remain.

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