natural resources

India-China Deficit: Beyond Iron Ore
By Rajrishi Singhal

RIP King Coal?
A slump in prices has seen a spate of mine closures and job cuts. Can coal bounce back?

Gillard's China Moment?
Although Gillard’s trip to China this week was praised for expanding Australia’s trade, tensions lurk underneath.

China's Changing Oil Calculus
China is expected to become the world’s largest oil importer in 2014 and Russia’s largest oil customer in 2018.

Afghanistan's Coming Energy Boom?
Afghanistan’s Minister of Mines explained he expects the country to start exporting oil as early as this year.

An Uncertain Outlook: Commodity Prices
Some are declaring the boom in resources as ending — the reality is a bit more complex.
The Next Step in Burma's Economic Opening
While much about the country’s future remains uncertain, banks and accounting firms are moving in.

India’s African “Safari”
By Sudha Ramachandran

China's 'Image' Problem in Africa
Beijing’s policy of “non intervention” was championed by African leaders looking for economic growth without political preconditions. As Africa’s politics change, is the policy obsolete?

Don't Write the Obituary Just Yet: 'King Coal' Still Reigns
Despite its ‘dirty’ image and talk of renewables, coal still accounts for 40 percent of global electricity needs.

India, Australia Press Ahead on Possible Uranium Sales
Nuclear cooperation will top the agenda of Australian Prime Minister Gillard’s trip to India next week.

China Eyes Afghan Goldmine
As NATO withdraws from Afghanistan, China is moving in. With over $1 Trillion in natural resources, the stakes are huge.