
Naval Warfare

Understanding Civil-Military Relations and Anti-Submarine Warfare

Understanding Civil-Military Relations and Anti-Submarine Warfare

By Robert Farley
Civil-military relations may explain the Chinese navy’s approach to anti-submarine warfare.
Why the Battle of Midway Hasn't Captured Popular Culture

Why the Battle of Midway Hasn't Captured Popular Culture

By Robert Farley
As remarkable as the U.S. victory at Midway was, it has received little attention in popular culture.

Leveraging the Amphibious Advantage in the Asia Pacific

Leveraging the Amphibious Advantage in the Asia Pacific

By Robert Farley
Will amphibious platforms make a difference in the Asia-Pacific?

What Can Asia’s Navies Learn From the Era of the Mighty Battleship?

By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran speak with Robert Farley about The Battleship Book.

What If Japan Had Won The Battle of Midway?

What If Japan Had Won The Battle of Midway?

By Benjamin David Baker
One of the most decisive battles of the Second World War could have ended up very differently. Be glad it didn’t though.
What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

What is the Future of Naval Warfare?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report attempts to shed light on how precision-guided weapons will impact future maritime battles.

The Naval Diplomat's Top 10 Books About the Sea

The Naval Diplomat's Top 10 Books About the Sea

James Holmes gives us his top ten books on naval warfare and diplomacy.

Time For a Better "Naval Vocabulary"

Time For a Better "Naval Vocabulary"

Recent examples show that naming conventions for various warship classes are far from imperfect.

Arms Sales, Politics and "Frankenforces"

Arms Sales, Politics and "Frankenforces"

Does purchasing arms from certain nations mean a political commitment as well?

South Korea: Asia's Other Rising Naval Power

South Korea: Asia's Other Rising Naval Power

The attention given to China and Japan’s navies overlooks the emergence of a new maritime power.

The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

Although static analyses have their value, ultimately calculations depend on competitors’ fleet size.

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