new cold war

Europe and the New Sino-American Cold War
By Nicolas Regaud
Parsing the stakes – and the option – for Europe.

China’s Foreign Minister Strikes Conciliatory Tone to Bring US Ties Back From the Brink
By Eleanor Albert
In speech on Thursday, Wang Yi tried for a reset in U.S.-China relations amid worsening tensions.

The US-China Cold War Has Already Started
By Alan Dupont
The clashing geopolitical ambitions of the two states are fueling a rivalry that could be even more dangerous and consequential than the original Cold War.

Will American and Chinese Societies Support a New Type of Cold War?
By Matt Ferchen and Hanns W. Maull
Leaders on both sides are taking a more confrontational line, but are the people willing to go along?

The China-India Standoff and the Myth of a New Cold War
By Sajid Farid Shapoo
Chinese media are trying to cast the present crisis as a part of the “New Cold War” between the United States and China. Don’t be fooled.

The 3 Flashpoints That Could Turn a US-China ‘Cold War’ Hot
By Daniel Russel
Beware the crisis hiding in plain sight.

To Compete with China, the US Needs a Better Narrative Than a ‘New Cold War’
By Hunter Marston
The story we tell matters because it lays the foundation for competent strategy.

Forget About a ‘New’ Cold War. The Old One Never Ended.
By Francis P. Sempa
James Burnham and ‘The War We Are In’ with China.

Who Cares if the US Is in a ‘New Cold War’ With China?
By Jacob Stokes
It’s time to focus on the tradeoffs that will come to define this important bilateral relationship.

5 Reasons Why China Is Not the Soviet Union
By Jin Kai
Construing China as a threat to the United States in the model of the old USSR overlooks important differences.

The Return of Biopolarity in World Politics
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Øystein Tunsjø.

Questioning the Presumption of a US-China Power Transition
By Ali Wyne
Analysts should consider another possibility: uneasy, fluid coexistence between the United States and China.