New Uzbekistan

Bloggers in the Crosshairs: The Complex Reality of Media Freedom in Uzbekistan
By Sher Khashimov and Asiya Kerimova
Despite presidential promises, arrests of bloggers critical of the government highlight the fragility of free speech in Mirziyoyev's Uzbekistan.

New Uzbekistan, Old Tricks
By Mihra Rittmann
With so many activists in Uzbekistan once again behind bars, the president’s promises of reform ring increasingly hollow.

Privatization in Uzbekistan: Potential Far From Fulfilled
By Bryn Windsor
While some progress has been made, foreign investors are starting to wonder if Uzbekistan’s privatization agenda will ever live up to its much-lauded potential.

Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska on ‘New Uzbekistan’
By Catherine Putz
"While it is undeniable that Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan is less paranoid, much freer and tolerant than Karimov’s... the very nature of the system remains unchanged."

What Will It Take to Finally Build a ‘New Uzbekistan’?
By Madina Amin
Since 2016, Mirziyoyev’s reforms have often served two purposes: a populist aim paired with an overriding interest in regime security.

Unrest in Central Asia: The Trouble in Karakalpakstan
By Catherine Putz
Although protests this year in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan took place in different contexts, with different triggers, there are some similarities worth highlighting.

Karakalpak Protests Reflect the Shattered Promise of Mirziyoyev’s ‘New Uzbekistan’
By Ildar Daminov
A proposal to downgrade the autonomous region to a province set off massive protests.
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