
New Zealand China policy

Chinese Investment Becomes Political in New Zealand

Chinese Investment Becomes Political in New Zealand

By Logan Green
New Zealand’s opposition leader leaves the door open for joining the Belt and Road Initiative, despite China’s history of foreign interference.

Chris Hipkins’ Successful Meeting With Xi Jinping

Chris Hipkins’ Successful Meeting With Xi Jinping

By Geoffrey Miller
China continues to praise New Zealand as the leader in its relations with developed countries – a contrasting example to others in the West.
New Zealand Is Getting Closer to NATO

New Zealand Is Getting Closer to NATO

By Geoffrey Miller
The Hipkins government is continuing to deepen Wellington’s ties with NATO. What will that mean for relations with China?

New Zealand Resets Relationships With Australia and India

New Zealand Resets Relationships With Australia and India

By Geoffrey Miller
New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins’ approach to foreign policy is starting to become clear.

What Japan’s Foreign Policy Shifts Mean for New Zealand

What Japan’s Foreign Policy Shifts Mean for New Zealand

By Geoffrey Miller
Tokyo’s dramatic shifts on defense and China policy are likely to have ramifications for New Zealand.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Jacinda Ardern Strikes a Softer Tone on China

Jacinda Ardern Strikes a Softer Tone on China

By Geoffrey Miller
Throughout a recent speech, New Zealand’s prime minister was mild with her criticism of China and optimistic about the health and future of the bilateral relationship.

New Zealand Will Not Join the US Coalition Against China Anytime Soon

New Zealand Will Not Join the US Coalition Against China Anytime Soon

By Nicholas Khoo
Wellington’s deeply ingrained tradition of foreign policy independence and robust economic ties to China serve as a considerable constraint on major policy change.
Is Jacinda Ardern Rethinking Her China Strategy?

Is Jacinda Ardern Rethinking Her China Strategy?

By Geoffrey Miller
Is New Zealand suddenly softening its more pro-Western foreign policy – and its tougher line on China?

Jacinda Ardern Is Bringing New Zealand Closer to the US

Jacinda Ardern Is Bringing New Zealand Closer to the US

By Geoffrey Miller
The New Zealand prime minister’s speech to this week’s U.S. Business Summit in Auckland signals a closer alignment with the West – and skepticism toward China.

New Zealand’s Australia-Friendly Response to China-Solomon Islands Security Deal

New Zealand’s Australia-Friendly Response to China-Solomon Islands Security Deal

By Geoffrey Miller
The Ardern government’s response seems to be calculated to show unity with Australia on China policy.

New Zealand’s Subtly Shifting Foreign Policy

New Zealand’s Subtly Shifting Foreign Policy

By Lifang Peng
In the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic and the China-U.S. trade war have forced the New Zealand government to diversify its trade and diplomatic relations.
New Zealand’s Mixed Messaging on the Beijing Olympic Boycott

New Zealand’s Mixed Messaging on the Beijing Olympic Boycott

By Christopher Edward Carroll
New Zealanders and traditional allies alike are looking for a strong stance from the Ardern government.

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