
Robert Einhorn on South Korea’s Nuclear Weapon Development
By Mitch Shin
“If North Korea's nuclear threat continues to grow, the answer is not for the United States to support a South Korean nuclear weapons program.”

Trump to Host Kazakh President Next Week
By Catherine Putz
The visit will be Nursultan Nazarbayev's first under the presidency of Donald Trump.

Kazakhstan and US Renew Nonproliferation Partnership
By Vladimir Socor, Richard Weitz, and Daniel Witt
The two countries are working together to protect against nuclear terrorism.

Dealing with Pakistan’s Nuclear Breakout
By Julian Schofield
What is the best way to bring Pakistan into the non-proliferation fold?

Relax. Indian Access to Australian Uranium Is No Threat
By Poorvie P. Patel
Concerns that Australian uranium could end up in an Indian nuclear bomb are overstated.

India and the NPT Need Each Other
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Arka Biswas
There are compelling reasons for India to join – and preserve – the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

China and Non-Proliferation: Progress at Last?
By Ian J. Stewart
China is often criticized for its record on nuclear non-proliferation. The reality is more nuanced.

France’s Born-Again Proliferation Beliefs Ring Hollow
By Yousaf Butt
How to explain French obstructionism on Iran? Look to its lucrative regional trade agreements with Gulf Arab monarchies.

America’s War on WMDs
By James R. Holmes
How to think about the fight to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Wanted: Karl Lee
By Ian J. Stewart and Daniel B. Salisbury
The US is taking unprecedented steps to track down a ‘principal contributor’ to Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Assessing UNSCR 1540: Ten Years On
By James R. Holmes
UN Security Council Resolution 1540 just celebrated its 10th birthday. So far, it has a mixed record.

Japan's Plutonium Problem
By Shannon Tiezzi
Japan's stockpile of plutonium is causing concerns regionally and globally.
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