North Korea COVID-19 vaccines

North Korean Defectors in China Can’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Treatments
By Lee Chae Un
As China’s COVID-19 case counts soar, “North Korean defectors in China can’t receive treatment even if they are infected,” one source said.

North Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis
By Mitch Shin
Pyongyang may resort to a nuclear test when it fails to prevent the spread of the coronavirus nationwide.

North Korea Confirms Omicron Case, Raising Fears of a COVID Catastrophe
By Shannon Tiezzi
China’s example raises serious questions about how North Korea can possibly hope to combat the virus.

North Korea’s Ticking COVID-19 Time Bomb
By Justin Fendos
Like many nations, North Korea’s initial calculation may have been that there would be an eventual end to the pandemic.

What’s Behind North Korea’s Extreme Vaccine Hesitancy?
By Thomas Byrne
North Korea is one of the few countries in the world not to have started a COVID-19 vaccine program.
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