North Korea health care industry

Restoring North Korea’s Childhood Immunization Program
By Hyung Joon Kim
Amid strict border closures, North Korea’s childhood immunization coverage has dropped from 97 percent to 0 percent in 2022.

North Korea’s Belated Effort to Import COVID-19 Medical Supplies
By Troy Stangarone
Pyongyang only ramped up its pandemic-related imports after admitting its first outbreak. Is it too little, too late?

What Comes Next in North Korea’s Battle With Omicron?
By Justin Fendos
How bad might North Korea’s first COVID-19 outbreak get, and what options does the international community have in responding?

Amid Omicron Worries, North Korea Orders Strengthened Quarantine on China Border
By Lee Chae Un and Seulkee Jang
North Korea is stepping up health surveillance as well as tightening already severe restrictions on cross-border trade.

North Korea’s Swagger May Conceal Brewing Coronavirus Disaster
By Associated Press
Pyongyang has not reported any cases of COVID-19, but experts worry that the country’s generally poor health care infrastructure is a recipe for disaster.

North Korea’s Bizarre Strategies for Tackling the Coronavirus Outbreak
By Tae-jun Kang
Pyongyang claims there have been no cases of the virus in the country. So why is it taking increasingly desperate measures?

North Korea's Public Health Campaign
By Samuel Ramani
Efforts to eliminate smoking and reduce infant mortality see some success, but larger issues remain.
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