
North Korea marketization

North Korea’s Market Dilemma: Balancing Control and Revenue Generation

North Korea’s Market Dilemma: Balancing Control and Revenue Generation

By Lee Sang Yong
While markets remain regulated to varying degrees across regions, authorities appear focused on stimulating rather than shutting them down, likely as a means to raise funds.

Behind North Korea’s Efforts to Monopolize Its Food Supply

Behind North Korea’s Efforts to Monopolize Its Food Supply

By Robert Lauler
Pyongyang has always had a complicated relationship with markets, but is the government really trying to prevent all private food sales?
The Subversive Influence of Women in North Korea

The Subversive Influence of Women in North Korea

By Emily Charley
Despite the regime’s deeply pervasive misogyny, North Korean women are making strides in the country's political and social spheres. 

Breaking Down North Korea’s COVID Strategy

Breaking Down North Korea’s COVID Strategy

By Emma Nymoen
The Kim Jong Un regime’s COVID-19 policies are enabling the government to re-indoctrinate a nation of people.

Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Reform in North Korea

Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Reform in North Korea

By Jongsoo Lee
An interview with Geoffrey See, founder of Choson Exchange.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The North Korean Economy Under Sanctions and COVID-19

The North Korean Economy Under Sanctions and COVID-19

By 38 North / Bradley O. Babson
Amid stalled diplomacy and a global pandemic, North Korea is signalling major adjustments in its economic policies and management practices.

At Trump-Kim 2.0, Don’t Forget North Korea’s Markets

At Trump-Kim 2.0, Don’t Forget North Korea’s Markets

By John Dale Grover
Continued economic opening would be a boon for the North Korean people. The US should push Kim in that direction.
All Politics Is Local in North Korea, Too

All Politics Is Local in North Korea, Too

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
Domestic politics are a more natural explanations for Pyongyang's political moves, like the recently announced amnesty.

Is There Still Room for Sanctions to Succeed in North Korea?

Is There Still Room for Sanctions to Succeed in North Korea?

By Qiheng Chen
North Korean marketization may lend hope for sanctions to work, if the U.S. and China can coordinate.

Will Marketization Bring Down the North Korean Regime?

Will Marketization Bring Down the North Korean Regime?

By Jonathan Corrado
The Kim regime has turned its new economic elites into an increasingly important source of revenue.

The Case for Engaging North Korea

The Case for Engaging North Korea

By Joseph Yi, Byeonggeun Heo, and Junbeom Bahk
The best path to long-term stability is encouraging economic reform and growth in the DPRK.
The (Market) Forces of History in North Korea

The (Market) Forces of History in North Korea

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
Why more freedom in North Korea’s markets might not be bad news for the regime

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