
North Korea regime change

The Strongest Weapon Against Kim Jong-un: 'Nose Cards'

The Strongest Weapon Against Kim Jong-un: 'Nose Cards'

By Jongkyun Mok and Hwan Kang
Former North Korean diplomat Thae Yong-ho reveals how outside cultural influence works against the Kim regime.

China's North Korea Debate: Redrawing the Red Line

China's North Korea Debate: Redrawing the Red Line

By Anny Boc
What a public feud between two academics tells us about Beijing's approach to North Korea.
Sending an Ultimatum to Kim Jong-un

Sending an Ultimatum to Kim Jong-un

By Zheng Wang
It's time to separate the Kim family from the North Korean people in crafting North Korea policy.

Time to End Wishful Thinking on China's North Korea Policy

Time to End Wishful Thinking on China's North Korea Policy

By Joseph Bosco
Donald Trump has gotten the message: the Chinese are not going to help. What does the U.S. do now?

What Does China Care About?

What Does China Care About?

By Enea Gjoza
American and Chinese perspectives differ fundamentally on East Asian regional issues.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Former North Korean Diplomat: For Pyongyang, Weapons Will Always Come First

Former North Korean Diplomat: For Pyongyang, Weapons Will Always Come First

By Bruce Harrison
Thae Yong-ho explains why the Kim regime is so intent on developing missiles and nuclear weapons.

South Korea's 3 Foreign Policy Blind Spots

South Korea's 3 Foreign Policy Blind Spots

By Ben Forney
South Korean policymakers refuse to acknowledge three basic realities that should shape foreign policy.
The Long History of Predicting North Korea's Collapse 

The Long History of Predicting North Korea's Collapse 

By John Power
Outside analysts frequently opine that the end is nigh for the Kim regime. They've always been wrong.

If North Korea Collapses, What Happens to Its WMDs?

If North Korea Collapses, What Happens to Its WMDs?

By 38 North / Robert J. Peters
Securing and eliminating North Korea's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons could be an insurmountable challenge.

Obama Comes Out as a North Korea Collapsist

Obama Comes Out as a North Korea Collapsist

By 38 North / Aidan Foster-Carter
In a recent interview, Obama suggests North Korea's regime will inevitably collapse. He couldn't be more wrong.

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