North Korean military in Ukraine

North Korea in Ukraine: What It Means for the World
By John Erath
It is time to examine not only the effects and effectiveness of North Korean troops in combat, but the wider implications for international security and conflict management.

What Do POWs in Ukraine Teach Us About North Korea’s Military?
By Elena Guido
North Korean soldiers captured by Ukraine provide a rare window into covert military collaboration.

Will Casualties in Ukraine Lead to Change in North Korea?
By Karl Anthony Borg
The unprecedented loss of life in a foreign conflict means that the war in Ukraine could be the Kim regime’s most significant test since the 1990s famine.

How Should South Korea Respond to North Korean Troops in Ukraine?
By Daeyeon Lee
Given the potential impact on Korean Peninsula security, Seoul must tread cautiously before escalating its own involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Will We See North Korean Forces in Eastern Ukraine?
By A.B. Abrams
How a military commitment by Pyongyang could materialize.
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