North Korean Nuclear Programme

What South Korea Can Learn from South Asia’s Nuclear Experience
Those calling for South Korea to go nuclear should look at the India-Pakistan experience.

North Korea’s Other Weapons Threat
International attention is usually focused on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. But Pyongyang’s growing chemical and biological weapons capabilities are worrying Seoul.

How to Worry Kim Jong-il
Deterring North Korea is a tough job, but someone has to do it. A better earth penetrating nuclear weapon might help.

How to Play North Korea Long Game
North Korea is showing signs of wanting to get back to talks. But without any changes to its behaviour, it might be better to focus on the next generation.

Why US Needs South Korea Base
The Jeju Island base isn’t about containing China. It’s about protecting South Korea and others from an increasingly erratic North Korea.

West Wrong on North Korea
Western media likes to suggest growing tension between North Korea and China. The truth is more complicated.

North Korea Readying New Surprise?
With US attention focused on the Arab World and Pakistan, will Kim Jong-il spring another attention seeking nuclear surprise?

Why North Korea Doesn’t Engage
Pyongyang isn’t interested in genuine talks, Richard Bush tells The Diplomat. Kim Jong-il is likely just stalling while the country perfects a nuclear weapon.

Is North Korea Next?
Kim Jong-il’s regime has been censoring reports of unrest in the Arab world. It’s a sign of how worried his regime is about its survival.

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums
Frozen out of talks and wanting attention, the Kim regime made a calculated decision to up the ante in 2010, Weston Konishi tells The Diplomat.
Mapping Asia’s Nuclear Future
The New START has entered into force. It’s now time for Asian nations to step up and help tackle the nuclear threat, says Richard Weitz.

Hope vs Experience On North Korea
Inter-Korean defence talks take place next month. But until there’s a leadership change in Pyongyang, don’t expect any breakthroughs.