NPC Standing Committee

Restricting Foreign State Immunity: China’s New Law and What It Means
By Anushka Saxena
The law could be used to attack foreign state immunity on multiple fronts, including commercial transactions and IPR, especially against rival states like India and the United States

Changhao Wei on the Role of China’s National People’s Congress
By Shannon Tiezzi
“The party undeniably has a larger-than-ever presence in the NPC’s work, most visibly in lawmaking… That has, in my view, contributed to a stronger NPC vis-à-vis other state institutions.”

The Chinese Legislature’s Hidden Agenda
By Changhao Wei
Since 2020 the NPC has been adopting more and more bills without prior notification, jeopardizing earlier moves toward transparency.

Hong Kong’s Pro-Democrat Legislators Resign After Controversial Disqualifications
By Shannon Tiezzi
Following a decision by Beijing that ousted 4 lawmakers, the entire pro-democrat caucus quit en masse, leaving LegCo with virtually no opposition presence.

Beijing’s Interpretation of Hong Kong Basic Law to Apply Retroactively
By Cal Wong
The two legislators removed from office by Beijing's decision have their appeal rejected.

Hong Kong Lawyers Protest Beijing's Overreach
By Cal Wong
Over 2,000 lawyers staged a silent protest over Beijing's recent interpretation of Hong Kong's Basic Law.
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