

US Religious Freedom Watchdog Highlights ‘Campaigns of Harassment and Violence’ Against Minorities in India

US Religious Freedom Watchdog Highlights ‘Campaigns of Harassment and Violence’ Against Minorities in India

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom gave India its lowest rating in the annual report for 2020.
High Australian Hopes for India, But Is the BJP the Right Partner?

High Australian Hopes for India, But Is the BJP the Right Partner?

By Grant Wyeth
Describing India as a “like-minded power” increasingly lacks credibility as the Modi government pursues contentious ideological policies.

(Dis)integrating Muslims, Dismantling India

(Dis)integrating Muslims, Dismantling India

By Muqtedar Khan
India, where Muslims have been at home for more than a millennium, is trying its hardest to alienate, disenfranchise, and disintegrate them.

The NRC and India’s Unfinished Partition

The NRC and India’s Unfinished Partition

By Grant Wyeth
The ongoing ideological struggle over Indian nationhood surfaced with Assam’s National Register of Citizens.

Confirming Fears, India’s Citizens Register Excludes Nearly 2 Million: What Next?

Confirming Fears, India’s Citizens Register Excludes Nearly 2 Million: What Next?

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The lives of nearly 2 million in Northeast India are thrown into uncertainty.
Will India Become the Home of the Largest Number of Stateless People?

Will India Become the Home of the Largest Number of Stateless People?

By Rudabeh Shahid, Champa Patel and Ravi Hemadri
International pressure to ensure India fully respects the rights of all its people is urgently needed.

BJP Concerned Over NRC in Assam, But Wants Register Across India

BJP Concerned Over NRC in Assam, But Wants Register Across India

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The National Register of Citizens project in India remains mired in controversy.
Has Jamatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Put Down Roots in India’s Northeast?

Has Jamatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Put Down Roots in India’s Northeast?

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Transnational terror groups remain a challenge for India.

Have Burmese Nationals Enrolled as Indian Citizens in Assam?

Have Burmese Nationals Enrolled as Indian Citizens in Assam?

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The fates of thousands hang in the balance as India’s National Register of Citizens comes under question.

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