nuclear arms
Did Iran Really Plan a US Hit Job?
The US has accused Iran of planning to detonate an explosive device to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador. The Diplomat asks Iran analyst Michael Rubin for his take.

Is Iran Ready to Compromise?
There are some encouraging signs Iran may be willing to compromise over its nuclear programme. But is the Obama administration willing to listen?

South Asia’s Nuclear Arms Racing
As long as Pakistan feels threatened by India’s superior conventional forces it will likely continue its nuclear build-up. What can the West do?
Pakistan’s Nuclear-Capable Missile
Pakistan’s unveiling of the nuclear-capable Nasr missile has prompted intense debate in India about what this means for the country’s defence.

America’s Dangerous Battle Plan
The AirSea Battle concept for countering China’s military rise is expensive and unhelpful. And could even spark a nuclear conflict.

How China Can Fix Pakistan
Beijing’s close ties with Islamabad don’t have to be a source for concern. It’s in China’s interests to press for reforms to stabilize Pakistan.

Folly of an Indian Nuclear Shift
Whatever the headlines over Pakistan’s nuclear build-up, India should stick to its no-first-use policy on nuclear weapons.
India and Pakistan are Nuclear States-Time to Accept it
India and Pakistan should be officially recognized as nuclear states, argues South Asia analyst Luv Puri, who says doing so will ease tensions and reduce the risk of nuclear material falling into terrorist hands.

The Other Ticking Nuclear Clock
Reports that Burma’s military junta has received assistance with constructing nuclear facilities from North Korea and Pakistan are causing a headache for Indian strategists, reports Rajeev Sharma.

Tumours in Paradise
Evidence is increasing that more than 40 years of nuclear testing in the Pacific is having a horrific impact on the people of the region, with Solomon Islanders bearing the brunt, writes Susan Merrell.