Nuclear Power

Can China and the US Neutralize the Ring of Gyges?
By Vasilis Trigkas
Plato foresaw how the technological imperative can risk a fragile peace.

TEPCO Faces Renewed Pressure Over Responsibility and Cleanup
By Clint Richards
The utility finds itself again facing legal indictments and safety accusations.

The Summer of Japan’s Energy Discontent
By Clint Richards
With another energy-saving campaign this summer, Japanese utilities may look for profits abroad.

Japan Nuclear Regulator Leaning Toward Restarts
By Clint Richards
Changes to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority could speed up the industry’s inspection process.

Japan Will Reactivate Nuclear Plants
By Ankit Panda
The Abe administration is attempting to restart several of Japan's nuclear reactors.

China Financing Pakistani Nuclear Power Plant
By Shannon Tiezzi
China will provide $6.5 billion in financing for Pakistan's new nuclear power plant in Karachi.

Pakistan’s Energy Crisis
Energy shortages are hobbling the economy and contributing to unrest. But the country has options.

Fires Demonstrate Danger of Nuclear Power in Asia
Indonesia’s inability to crack down on vested interests bodes poorly for a future nuclear power industry.

China's Nuclear Energy Play
A government official claims China will have 41 nuclear power units operating by 2015, with an additional 20 plants being built.

Atomic Allies?: India and Australia Explore Uranium Sales
As relations continue to warm, Australia and India could add uranium sales to their budding partnership.

Fossil Fuels Bolstered by Japan's Nuclear Cuts
“…fossil fuels suddenly look a lot more promising in the land that produced a treaty designed to curb them.”

Japan Goes Green?
Tokyo’s new plan to focus on alternative energy will have global political and economic consequences.