Nuclear Submarines

A Year After AUKUS, What Challenges Loom Largest?
By Grant Wyeth
From Indonesian concerns to possible overreliance on an unpredictable U.S., Australia’s nuclear submarine ambitions present plenty of challenges.

AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific: Geopolitics, Technology, and Deterrence
By Ankit Panda
What does the new U.S.-UK-Australia trilateral cooperative partnership entail?

Why India Needs Both Nuclear and Conventional Submarines
By Abhijit Singh
In an Indian context, an all-nuclear submarine force is an essentially flawed idea.

Why the US Needs Conventional Submarines
By Torsten Heinrich
Filling a capability gap in the U.S. Navy's Pacific operations.

Anti-Submarine Operations in the Indian Ocean
By Abhijit Singh
There is a shared realization that strategic stability in maritime Asia can no longer be taken for granted.

The Consequences of a Pakistani Sea-Based Nuclear Second Strike Capability
By Ankit Panda
What happens to South Asian nuclear stability if Pakistan operationalizes a sea-based second strike capability?

India To Upgrade Submarine Capabilities
“The Indian Navy is on its way to developing a modernized and expanded submarine force.”
China Showcases Nuclear Submarine Fleet
This weekend Chinese state-run media outlets touted the growing might of China’s nuclear submarine fleet.

Australia's Submarine Folly
Australia’s Defense White Paper 2013 seems to kill the idea of acquiring nuclear subs. That could be a mistake.

Australia's Nuclear Sub Option
Australia is planning to build a new generation of submarines. The best option: lease America’s prized nuclear submarines.

Australia’s Japanese Sub Play
Australia has begun discussions concerning a new submarine class. Could a Japanese solution be the answer? Harry Kazianis explains.

India Leases Russia Nuke Sub
Russia’s formal leasing to India of an advanced nuclear-powered submarine is another big step for the Indian Navy.
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