Nuclear Supplier's Group
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4 Questions On India's Nuclear Suppliers Group Bid
By Saima Sial
India's asking the Nuclear Suppliers Group for a big exemption.

A Path Forward on Indian NSG Membership
By Lauryn Williams
Momentum for India’s bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group seems to have stalled.

Relax. Indian Access to Australian Uranium Is No Threat
By Poorvie P. Patel
Concerns that Australian uranium could end up in an Indian nuclear bomb are overstated.

The Road to a US-Pakistan Nuclear Deal Begins in Islamabad
By Saira Bano
Pakistan needs to move towards international norms, not away from them.

Can India Join the Nuclear Suppliers Group?
By Saira Bano
Previous negotiations make it possible to assess India’s chances this time around.

India and the Nuclear Suppliers Group
By Malik Ayub Sumbal
Why Pakistan is unhappy at U.S. support for India’s bid to join the NSG.

China Confirms Pakistan Nuclear Projects
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Top official confirms extent of the growing Sino-Pakistan nuclear link.

India and Turkey: Friends Again?
Ties between New Delhi and Ankara are strengthening. Upcoming diplomatic visits attest to the shift.

The Nuclear Suppliers Group at the Crossroads
The Group needs to adhere to its principles, if its role in nonproliferation is to continue.

India, Australia Press Ahead on Possible Uranium Sales
Nuclear cooperation will top the agenda of Australian Prime Minister Gillard’s trip to India next week.

South Korea, India Bolster Nuke Ties
Strategic and economic considerations seem to be bringing New Delhi and Seoul closer together.
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