Obama Hiroshima visit

‘Hey, Let’s Forget That’: No US Apology for the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
By Olivia Tasevski
75 years later, the U.S. remains committed to its narrative that the bombings were necessary and justified -- and that no apology is necessary to the victims.

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to Make Historic Visit to Pearl Harbor
By Catherine Putz
In the twilight of Obama's presidency, Abe will be the first sitting Japanese leader to visit Pearl Harbor.

Shinzo Abe’s Developed Country Diplomacy
By Shin Kawashima
The Japanese prime minister has had his achievements, and some misfires.

A Noisy New Era of Bombs and Bravado
By Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley
The peace dividend is in jeopardy.
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