Obama visit to Hiroshima

Obama And Hiroshima: Symbolism And Substance
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Gregory Kulacki

Obama’s Hiroshima Speech: A Missed Opportunity
By Ben Rimland
Despite Obama’s talk of a nuclear-free world, he has overseen one of the largest modernization programs in U.S. nuclear history.

What to Expect From Obama's Hiroshima Visit
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan will need to be careful not to let Obama's visit overshadow the G7 Summit.

Obama to Make Historic Visit to Hiroshima
By Catherine Putz
Both domestic and international audiences will be watching the visit for an apology.

Should President Obama Visit Hiroshima?
By Gi-Wook Shin and Daniel Sneider
If framed correctly, a presidential visit could advance historical reconciliation throughout Northeast Asia.
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