offshore accounts

The Ablyazov Affair: ‘Fraud on an Epic Scale’
By Stephen M. Bland
New rounds of litigation add to the opaque case of fugitive ex-Kazakh minister Mukhtar Ablyazov.

The Fatal Offshore: Deoffshorization and Russia’s Infrastructure Crisis
By Nicholas Trickett
President Vladimir Putin wants Russian businesses to bring their money back to the homeland. But is it worth it?

Russia’s Financial Carousel Crashes into Asia
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia is improving ties with offshores in Hong Kong and Singapore, but numbers don’t tell the whole story.

Japan and the Panama Papers
By Scilla Alecci and Alessia Cerantola
A deeper insight into Japanese businessmen’s offshore deals.

A Closer Look at Central Asia's Offshore Connections
By Catherine Putz
IKEA's Turkmen cotton, the 6th anniversary of the 2nd Kyrgyz revolution, and a crash course on Central Asia; recommended links.

The Political Plight of China’s Wealthy
By Elizabeth C. Economy
It is in the interests of China’s wealthy and the country’s government to promote transparency.
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