offshore RMB trading

US Sanctions Boost China’s Cross-Border Currency Use
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniel McDowell.

China’s CIPS: A Potential Alternative in Global Financial Order
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Emily Jin.

Why China Is Not on Track For Financial Superpower Status
By Sandra Heep
The Chinese Communist Party’s prioritizing of political control over economic efficiency stands in the way of China’s rise in global finance.

The Internationalization of China’s Currency in Indonesia
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
The RMB is gradually making inroads in Indonesia.

Rise of the Redback: Internationalizing the Chinese Renminbi
By David G. Landry and Heiwai Tang
Beijing’s plans to internationalize the RMB haven't come to fruition; the Belt and Road Initiative may help finally make gains.

Currency Wars Along the Silk Road
By Gregory Gleason
Which will emerge on top in Central Asia: the dollar, the yuan, or even Bitcoin?

20 Years After the Asian Financial Crisis, How Has Financial Cooperation Evolved?
By Stefan Angrick and Shinichi Nakabayashi
Where regional efforts stand 20 years after the financial crisis.

How to Internationalize the RMB
By Lu Chen
Capital account liberalization is not the key to internationalizing China's currency.

The Expanding Offshore Renminbi
By Sara Hsu
Offshore trading of China’s currency is growing rapidly.
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