oil and gas

The Real Future of Green Energy in Kazakhstan
By Andres Fernandez
Given the dominance of conventional energy resources, are Astana’s green energy reforms merely publicity stunts?

Uzbek President Mirziyoyev Lands in South Korea, Reaffirming a Strong Partnership
By Catherine Putz
East Asian political realities are breathing new energy into Uzbekistan and South Korea's already strong relationship.

Rosneft and Russia's Evolving Oil Strategy Explained
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia's recent deals in the Middle East aren't just about expanding its influence, they’re part of a larger strategy.

Oil Workers on Hunger Strike in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
A strike in Kazakhstan, Dushanbe to phase out marshrutkas and Turkmenistan’s deepening crisis; recommended reads.
East Timor’s Oil Resource: Boon or Bane?
By Mong Palatino
Some are concerned that the country is overly dependent on its oil and gas sector.
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