Okinawa elections

What to Watch in the Okinawa Governor's Election
By Mina Pollmann
The governor's race will have major ramifications for the long-stalled Futenma relocation project.

Supporters of Okinawa Base Relocation Plan Claim a Win in Local Elections
By Mina Pollmann
Tokyo's favored candidate won reelection as Ginowan's mayor, providing a boost for the relocation of a U.S. base.
On a Key Anniversary, Rethinking Okinawa’s Future
By Vindu Mai Chotani and K V Kesavan
Seventy years after the Battle of Okinawa, Japan’s southernmost prefecture still bears an unfair burden.
Abe’s Okinawa Setback
By Ricky Hough
Local elections in Okinawa deal another blow to the prime minister's agenda.
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