
Japan’s Persistent “Ameriphobia”
By Kosuke Takahashi

Insult to Injury in Okinawa
The relocation of U.S. forces was already a thorny issue in Japanese politics. But insensitive remarks by a government official have made things far worse.

Time for Futenma Rethink
With little local support, it’s time for a rethink of the current plan to relocate US forces in Japan.

Japan Cracks Down on Dissent
Police have been getting tough on protests over the location of US bases. Is it part of a broader crackdown?

Another Okinawa Battle
Renewed construction in Okinawa has reignited debate over the US military. But is the time for talk over?

What the Okinawa Poll Means
Did economics trump the Futenma base relocation issue in Sunday’s gubernatorial election?

Why Allies Need US Base
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has been left to decide what to do about a controversial US air base. The choice is clear.

Deadline? What Deadline?
When’s a deadline not a deadline? When it’s been made by PM Yukio Hatoyama…

Pop Culture Politics
Japan’s anime can help us understand its politics, says MIT prof and author.
Japan Embracing China?
The Diplomat speaks with Caroline Rose, author of ‘Sino-Japanese Relations: Facing the Past, Looking to the Future?’ about Sino-Japanese ties, the US-Japan alliance and the prospects for an East Asia Community.