
Pacific Island Forum

America’s Pacific Island Summit: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

America’s Pacific Island Summit: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

By Derek Grossman
The landmark meeting encapsulated both the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. strategy in the region.

The Politics Behind Who is Attending the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting

The Politics Behind Who is Attending the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting

By Patricia O’Brien
Dialogue partners were disinvited from the PIF meeting this week as the organization wrestles with internal divisions. But U.S. Vice President Harris got to speak virtually to the forum anyway.
Australia Risks Losing Allies in Pacific Over Climate Policies

Australia Risks Losing Allies in Pacific Over Climate Policies

By Joshua Mcdonald
The Pacific Islands Forum ended with island leaders frustrated – and furious – over Australia's intransigence on coal.

The Pacific Islands Forum at 50

The Pacific Islands Forum at 50

By Balaji Chandramohan
The evolving geopolitics in the South Pacific were on full display at the 50th PIF.

What Drives Indonesia's Pacific Island Strategy?

What Drives Indonesia's Pacific Island Strategy?

By Grant Wyeth
Jakarta is courting Pacific Island states, hoping to change regional positions on the West Papua issue.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

French Polynesia at the Chinese Crossroads

French Polynesia at the Chinese Crossroads

By Sébastien Goulard
The islands need to carefully weigh the benefits of Chinese investment with the potential risks.

The Pacific Islands Play the Field

The Pacific Islands Play the Field

By Jenny Hayward-Jones
New realities are shaping Pacific Island states’ relationships with China, Russia, Australia, and the United States.
Australia’s New Pacific Minister

Australia’s New Pacific Minister

By Helen Clark
A new ministerial post is designed to a send a message to the Pacific region.

Pacific Islands Forum: Climate of Consensus Before Paris?

By Helen Clark
The two largest members are being targeted by Pacific Island states worried about climate change.

French Polynesia Battles for Independence

French Polynesia Battles for Independence

If President Oscar Manutahi Temaru gets his way, French Polynesia could one day become an independent nation – but at what cost?

Russia's "Checkbook Diplomacy" in the South Pacific

Russia's "Checkbook Diplomacy" in the South Pacific

Moscow is turning to financially vulnerable South Pacific nations to promote its foreign policy agenda thousands of miles away.

Australia’s Pacific Ambiguity

Australia’s Pacific Ambiguity

By Balaji Chandramohan
The Pacific islands are becoming a key factor for nations with strategic interests in Asia. Australia needs to step up its game.

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