Pacific Islands Forum
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'Small and Far': Pacific Island States Gather at Annual Forum
By Grant Wyeth
The 16 states are meeting this week to discuss regional challenges, particularly climate change.
The Pacific Islands Forum Meets in Palau
By Kevin Placek
Can a new leader give the forum some much-needed momentum?
South Pacific “Comes Together” Over Climate Change
At odds elsewhere, the South Pacific has built a robust set of regional organizations to tackle climate change.
The World's Gaze Turns to the South Pacific
With the world’s great powers calling, factionalism is increasingly present among island nations of the Pacific. It could be trouble.
“Half of the 6,000 plus spoken languages today will disappear by the end of the century.”
How America could play a vital role in preserving the many endangered languages of the Asia-Pacific.
China's South Pacific Diplomacy
For nations like Australia, China’s growing sway in the South Pacific is cause for concern.
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