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Do the Obama Administration and PACOM Disagree on the South China Sea?
By Robert Farley
And does it really matter if they do?
Is This the United States' Grand Plan for Responding to China in the South China Sea?
By Ankit Panda
Is the United States building a coalition of democracies to preserve order and international law in the South China Sea?
Intelligence Check: Just How 'Preposterous' Are China's South China Sea Activities?
By Greg Austin
It's time for the Pentagon to issue a sober and balanced public assessment on the South China Sea territorial disputes.
America's 'Military First' Asia Pivot
By Zachary Keck
The Pentagon and U.S. military continue to dominate the so-called pivot to Asia.
US Welcomes China’s RIMPAC Spying
By Zachary Keck
The top U.S. military leader in the Pacific sees a silver lining in China’s military surveillance of RIMPAC.
The Interview: Admiral Samuel J. Locklear
America’s rebalance towards Asia has many talking. The U.S. Navy will be at the forefront of such efforts. Adm. Locklear gives us his take.
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