
Uzbekistan, Pakistan Expanding Trade Amid Connectivity Challenges
By Alouddin Komilov
Despite strong mutual interest in deepening investment and trade relations, logistical bottlenecks and high transportation costs pose challenges.

Eastward Shifts: The SCO’s Quest to Redefine Regional Power Amid Global Multipolarity
By Maha Ali
There is a growing tension between Pakistan's internal political fractures and the external desire for regional stability.

Afghan Migrants Face Deepening Despair as Iran Intensifies Deportations
By Abdullah Mohammadi and Jennifer Vallentine
Pakistan and Turkey have also ramped up the deportation of Afghans in recent years, with devastating humanitarian implications.

Animating Peace: How Pakistan’s ‘The Glassworker’ Found a Voice in Hiroshima
By Muhammad Rauhan Rasheed
Making a movie with an anti-war theme in a state known for glorifying war in its history is a bold step.

Pakistan: Confronting Resistance From the Peripheries
By Prashant Singh
Pakistan's peripheral regions – like Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – are highly strategic locations. They are also home to ethnic minorities who feel increasingly marginalized by the center.

Pakistan’s New Military Operation Alarms Pashtuns
By Osama Ahmad
The announcement of Pakistan’s new military operation, Azm-e-Istehkam, has sent shockwaves across the Pashtun region in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has suffered tremendously amid past operations.

Strategic Policy Needed for Pakistan’s SMEs
By Rameen Shahid
Implementing a proactive strategic policy for Pakistani SMEs is imperative, as the performance of domestic industries is the biggest advertisement for outsiders to follow suit and invest in the country.

In Pakistan, Fears of Deportation Plague Afghan Refugees Waiting for Resettlement
By Mohammad Iqbal Sekandari
The deportation risk faced by many Afghan refugees in Pakistan is rooted in the lengthy U.S. resettlement process. Forced to wait, the risks of deportation mount.

Where Do Taliban-Pakistan Relations Stand Now?
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
One reason driving Islamabad’s renewed efforts in Afghanistan may be India’s continuing moves to expand its dealings with the Taliban.

The Role of Water Governance in Pakistan’s Water Crisis
By Atal Ahmadzai
The securitization of water governance in Pakistan does not actually help mitigate the water crisis in the country.

Pakistan’s Precarious Crossroads: Elections and Beyond
By Syed Mushahid Hussain Naqvi
The upcoming elections in Pakistan are much more than a routine political event. They are a decisive moment for the nation's future.

The Plight of Deported Afghans
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
An unending refugee and humanitarian crisis the world seems to have forgotten.
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