
Pakistan debt

Is Pakistan Eyeing Another Bigger IMF Deal?

Is Pakistan Eyeing Another Bigger IMF Deal?

By Umair Jamal
Its caretaker government is diligently implementing the terms of the current loan package, which would ease the way for an elected government to negotiate for more.
Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: What Went Wrong?

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: What Went Wrong?

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
The country is currently running on foreign loans taken on high rates of interest. It will have to repay $80 billion in the coming three years.

Why China Could Tighten its Purse Strings on CPEC Projects

Why China Could Tighten its Purse Strings on CPEC Projects

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
Pakistan’s inability to pay off its existing debt to China, and the slowdown of the Chinese economy, could make Beijing cautious about lending more to Pakistan.

The IMF Takeover of Pakistan

The IMF Takeover of Pakistan

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Many Pakistanis see the terms of the $6 billion bailout package as a hostile takeover of their economy and government.

After Khan's Visit, Pakistan Doubles Down on China Dependence

After Khan's Visit, Pakistan Doubles Down on China Dependence

By Tridivesh Singh Maini
Imran Khan's visit to China shows Pakistan remains dependent on its patron -- and will for the foreseeable future.
The Coming of Pakistan-China ‘Entente Cordiale 2.0’

The Coming of Pakistan-China ‘Entente Cordiale 2.0’

By Abdur Rehman Shah
A relationship previously specific in scope has expanded beyond closed diplomatic corridors, bringing new challenges.

Pakistan’s New Leader Faces a Bailout Conundrum

Pakistan’s New Leader Faces a Bailout Conundrum

By Yigal Chazan
Does Imran Khan approach the IMF or China? Neither option augurs well.
Pakistan’s Economic Crisis

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Islamabad’s need for an IMF bailout is set to create a “diplomatic predicament.”

Can Pakistan Afford CPEC?

Can Pakistan Afford CPEC?

By K.S. Venkatachalam
There are concerns that the secretive agreement will lead to unsustainable debt for Pakistan while China reaps the benefits.

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