Pakistan Islamists

Pakistan’s Troubled Frontier Justice
By Shah Meer Baloch
Opposition is growing to the outdated colonial law governing Pakistan's tribal areas.

Pakistan's State Under Siege
By Syed Arfeen
The future of Islamists in Pakistani politics.

Why Pakistan Is Hyphenating Palestine and Kashmir
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The rest of the world has long distanced itself from the Islamist struggle in Kashmir – unlike Palestine.

The Mullah-Military Takeover of Pakistan
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
A Musharraf-Saeed alliance could provide the political face of the mullah-military takeover underway in Pakistan.

Who Benefits From Pakistan's Sit-Ins?
By Farah Jan
The winners: hardline Islamists. The loser: Pakistan's democracy.

Islamists in Pakistan Reverse Counterterrorism Efforts
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts are back to square one.

Hafiz Saeed’s Release Completes the Political Mainstreaming of Jihadists in Pakistan
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The prime suspect of the Mumbai attacks can now personally spearhead the Islamist campaign for parliament.

Mainstreaming Islamists: A Dangerous Choice for Pakistan
By Muhammad Daim Fazil
Pakistan has tried before to bring extremists into mainstream politics. It doesn’t end well.

Lahore Hit With Fourth Terrorist Attack in 6 Months
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Why is Punjab's capital so vulnerable to terrorist attacks?

Pakistan Issues First Death Sentence for Digital Blasphemy
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The ruling is a reminder that Pakistan's blasphemy law is an existential threat for the state.

Even a Horrific Murder Isn't Enough to Shake Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws
By Usman Ahmad
The murder of Mashal Khan is the latest tragedy connected to blasphemy accusations. His death won't be the last.

To Win Its War on Terror, Pakistan Must Accept Ahmadis as Muslims
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Discrimination against Ahmadis and other religious minorities adds fuel to the fire of jihadism.