Pakistan sexual harassment

Shattering Silence: Pakistan’s Journey Against Gender-Based Violence
By Fizza Abbas
Over the last decade, Pakistan has built up its legal infrastructure to combat GBV, but implementation remains deeply flawed. Can civil society fill in the gaps?

Madrassa Sex Abuse Case Shocks Pakistan
By Allia Bukhari
More and more cases have been coming to light in the past years. Who will take on the country's powerful clerics?

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Blames Women for Sexual Violence
By Munir Ahmed
It was the second time in two months that Khan sparked outrage after suggesting that women's attire plays a role in provoking sexual violence against them.

Is Pakistan Safe for Women?
By Tehreem Azeem
The horrific gang rape of a mother along the highway was not an isolated incident, but comes against a backdrop of regular threats and harassment of women.
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