Pakistan social media crackdown

Pakistan’s Cyber Crimes Law Amendments Strike a Blow Against Free Speech
By Osama Ahmad
Journalists, activists, and lawyers warn of a significant chilling effect from a new law to combat “fake news.”

The Economic Impact of Pakistan’s Internet Crisis
By Osama Ahmad
The damage to Pakistan’s economy from internet shutdowns and social media restrictions reached new heights in 2024 – something the country can ill afford.

Internet and Social Media Blackouts Are Hurting Businesses in Pakistan
By Shahid Afzal Khan
The internet offers Pakistan a path for sustainable economic growth. Government “security” policies must not get in its way.

Pakistan’s Government and Military Are Crushing Dissent on Social Media
By Abdul Rehman
New social media regulations are just the latest tool used to criminalize dissenting online speech.

Pakistan Silences Its Critics
By Umer Ali
Criticizing the military, in print or social media, is increasingly dangerous in Pakistan.
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