Pakistan terrorist groups

Inter-group Militant Cooperation and Rivalries in Pakistan’s Newly Merged Districts
By Abdul Basit
ISKP has survived the hostile environment of the NMDs through alliances with like-minded groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jandullah.

TTP Unfazed by Pakistan’s New Multidimensional Counterterrorism Strategy
By Harsh Behere
Despite a new counterterrorism push announced in April, the Pakistani Taliban continue to extend their reach.

The Impact of Political Instability on Pakistan’s Internal Security
By Abdul Basit
Troops have been deployed in cities to quell violent protests. Militant groups could target them.

Pakistan’s Alarming Rise in Terrorism Is Fueled by Afghanistan
By Muhammad Nawaz Khan
Data on the number and location of terrorist attacks in Pakistan show a concentration near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Pakistan Acts Tough on Top Terrorist
By Liam Gibson
Its sentencing of Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed is grounded in economic realism.
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