
Aid Pours into Pakistan; Deaths From Floods Cross 1,200 Mark
By Munir Ahmed
So far, Pakistan has received aid from China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Uzbekistan, U.A.E. and other countries.

Pakistan’s Flooding Underscores Climate Risks in South Asia
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Devastating floods have placed a third of the country underwater, underscoring significant climate risks in South Asia.

Officials: Pakistani Militant Leader Killed in Afghanistan
By Munir Ahmed
The death of Abdul Wali, also widely known as Omar Khalid Khurasani, deals a heavy blow to the Pakistani Taliban.

Beware the Himalayan Heat: China, India, and Pakistan on the Brink
By Daniel Markey, Andrew Scobell, Vikram Singh
Even as war in Europe grinds on, Washington should not lose sight of the frightening implications of recent developments in South Asia.

Don’t Single Ukraine Out For Selling Military Hardware to Pakistan
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Just as it is in India’s national interest to keep good relations with both Russia and West, it was in Ukraine’s to sell arms to both India and Pakistan.

Imran Khan’s US Conspiracy Theory: A Close Examination
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Khan has not provided any evidence that Americans toppled his government; meanwhile, the Pakistan opposition has been agitating for a no-confidence vote for months.

The Many Unanswered Questions About India’s Missile Accident
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Thankfully the accidental firing of an Indian missile into Pakistani territory did not lead to escalation, but many questions remain unanswered about what happened.

Pakistan: Areas Cleared After Militant Attacks Kill 9 Troops
By Abdul Sattar
Authorities say they have quelled an insurgency launched by Baluch separatists demanding independence from Pakistan, but attacks have continued in recent years.

‘Disciplinary Gangs’ in Pakistani Academia
By Arsim Tariq
From universities to research think tanks, academic disciplinary gangs impede interdisciplinary, creative, and aesthetic endeavors to move beyond a security- and state-centric vision of international relations.

Goodwill and Cricket: Australia’s Upcoming Tour of Pakistan
By Grant Wyeth
Cricket-playing countries have been reluctant to play in Pakistan since a 2009 attack on a visiting team's bus. But the game must go on.

For Love of Urdu: Language and the Legacies of Jinnah and Nehru
By Shahzaman Haque
That the two founding figures of Indian and Pakistani independence were united by a shared love of Urdu speaks eloquently of the language’s rich history.

Pakistan Police: Mob Kills Sri Lankan Over Alleged Blasphemy
By Babar Dogar
Mob attacks on people accused of blasphemy are common in Pakistan.