

The Last Glaciers of Indonesia

The Last Glaciers of Indonesia

By Sribala Subramanian
Tropical ice sheets are "canaries in the coal mine" when it comes to climate change.

Indonesian Imperialism Is Alive – And Brutal – in West Papua

Indonesian Imperialism Is Alive – And Brutal – in West Papua

By David Hutt
In the restive eastern province, Cold War realpolitik continues to reverberate.
Indonesia Arrests 13 Soldiers in Investigation of Papua Torture Video

Indonesia Arrests 13 Soldiers in Investigation of Papua Torture Video

By Sebastian Strangio
The armed forces were forced to issue a rare apology after a video showing soldiers torturing a Papuan separatist fighter was posted online.

Indonesia Confirms 3 More Troops Killed in Papua Ambush

Indonesia Confirms 3 More Troops Killed in Papua Ambush

By Sebastian Strangio
The attack came as a unit of soldiers attempted to search for a New Zealand pilot captured by Papuan separatists in February.

Papuan Rebels Take New Zealand Pilot Hostage in Remote Area

Papuan Rebels Take New Zealand Pilot Hostage in Remote Area

By Sebastian Strangio
The West Papua National Liberation Army says it holds Western countries, including New Zealand, responsible for supporting the Indonesian military.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

New Indonesian Military Chief Downplays Extent of Papua Conflict

New Indonesian Military Chief Downplays Extent of Papua Conflict

By Sebastian Strangio
The past few years have seen growing numbers of violent incidents in the eastern region, home to a long-running separatist insurgency.

Prominent Papuan Independence Activist Reported Dead After Drowning

Prominent Papuan Independence Activist Reported Dead After Drowning

By Sebastian Strangio
A longtime proponent of non-violence, Filep Karma spent years calling for "a dignified dialogue with the Indonesian government."
9 Killed in Attack in Indonesia’s Papua Province, Say Police

9 Killed in Attack in Indonesia’s Papua Province, Say Police

By Sebastian Strangio
The killings came amid protests over an Indonesian government plan to create new provinces in the eastern region.

Indonesia’s New Plans for Papua Can’t Hide Its Decades of Failures

Indonesia’s New Plans for Papua Can’t Hide Its Decades of Failures

By Aprila Wayar and Johnny Blades
A plan to create three new provinces in the Papua region highlights how Jakarta's development approach has failed to resolve a long-running conflict.

Indonesian Governor in Papua Casts Doubt on Plan for New Provinces: Report

Indonesian Governor in Papua Casts Doubt on Plan for New Provinces: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
The plan to break Papua and West Papua into five provinces has spurred widespread protests in the eastern region.

Separatist Fighters Kill 8 Telecom Technicians in Papua Province

Separatist Fighters Kill 8 Telecom Technicians in Papua Province

By Sebastian Strangio
The attack came on the same day that a group of U.N. experts called out Indonesia's "shocking abuses" in the eastern province.
Protests Greet Indonesia’s Renewal of Papuan Autonomy Law

Protests Greet Indonesia’s Renewal of Papuan Autonomy Law

By Sebastian Strangio
Rights groups claim that the revised law could lead to “further marginalization and militarization in the region.”

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