Peloponnesian War

Hey Policy Wonks, This Is How You Should Read Thucydides
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Authors like Thucydides require careful reading and musing to get to the core of their arguments.

Thucydides’ Ignored Lesson
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Forget quick victories; great power wars are usually determined by protracted attrition warfare.

US-China-Japan: Beware the ‘Megarian Trap’
By Vasilis Trigkas
Classical antiquity offers a lesson in the perils of economic warfare.

The Anatomy of Peaceful Power Transitions
By James R. Holmes
World War I provides a nice contrast to the violent power transitions of Thucydides’ day.

Beware the "Thucydides Trap" Trap
Why the U.S. and China aren’t necessarily Athens and Sparta or Britain and Germany before WWI.

LCS: The US Navy's High-Value Skirmisher
Littoral Combat Ships are joining the fleet whether critics like it or not. Here’s how to use them.

Pestilence, Natural Disasters and Death
Our Naval Diplomat notes that the nondiscriminatory character of natural disasters is worth remembering.

Thucydides, War and Natural Disasters
“There’s no point being bitter about a tsunami or storm. It takes an enemy to envenom human affairs.”
The Real Fog of War: Assumptions
“A lesson from 1905: to succeed in international competition, take off your cultural blinkers…”

Flashy Name, Old Idea: Anti-Access Strategy
While made popular by recent analysis of China’s military, anti-access has deep routes in history.
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