
The Pentagon Still Needs to Think
Shutting down the Office of Net Assessment would be imprudent, although more oversight would be wise.

Air-Sea Battle: A Dangerous Way to Deal with China
Air-Sea Battle seems a particularly risky response to China’s growing capabilities, and of questionable necessity.

In Announcing ASEAN Trip, Pentagon Gets Revenge on China
Why did the Pentagon announce Hagel’s ASEAN visit while China’s Defense Minister was in the building?

Chuck Hagel and the Battle for GOP Foreign Policy
While Hagel didn’t create the divisions within the GOP, his nomination is likely to harden them.

12 Things Missing from China Report
The latest version of the Pentagon’s report on China’s military rise was disappointing. There’s plenty that has been missed out.

Measuring Military Modernization
Media coverage of a report on China’s military are misleading. There have been fewer surprises than suggested.

Securing Syria's WMD
Syria is widely believed to have chemical weapons. But the U.S. will need to tread carefully to secure them.
U.S. Military's A2/AD Challenge
The Pentagon’s Joint Operational Access Concept breathes new life into discussion of Anti-Access/Area Denial.
Will China Be Rome or Greece?
The Pentagon’s new report on China’s military underscores the rapid progress it is making. But what exactly is this build-up for?
US Backs Uzbek Biodefences
Two new facilities underscore the US commitment to building biodefences in Central Asia.

Pentagon Turns Eyes Toward Asia
The new US military strategy underscores the challenge of a rising China. But there’s more to the plans than just more hardware spending.

China’s Enigmatic Military
The Pentagon’s report on the PLA suggests China is getting closer to nixing the US military’s ability to intervene in Asia.