Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf Trial: A Gimmick Masked in Legalese?
The trial of the former president and Army chief is unlikely to be the turning point many Pakistanis seek.

Pakistan’s Youth Stirred by Music with a Dash of Social Satire
Pakistani bands are increasingly vocal about social issues. The influence is trickling down to the nation’s youth.

What Does Musharraf’s Second Coming Mean for Pakistan?
The former dictator returns to a welcome that is likely to be turbulent, with uncertain consequences.

Phoenix Rising: Will Nawaz Sharif Lead Pakistan… Again?
At the time of his overthrow in 1999, Sharif was probably the most hated man in Pakistan. He may soon be Prime Minister.

Pakistan's Battle for Democracy
Democratic forces in Pakistan continue to fight an uphill battle despite a multitude of national challenges.

U.S.-Pakistan Ties on Brink
With talk of possible coup swirling around Pakistan, the U.S. looks close to losing a key strategic partner.

Why the US Fumbled Afghanistan
A decade after the Afghan War began, it’s clear the US made a mistake in not working more with India. The missteps then have haunted it since.

Negotiations to Nowhere?
India and Pakistan are set to resume talks as part of their reengagement process later this month. Don’t expect too much, says Sumit Ganguly.

Why Pakistan’s Ship Is Sinking
Pakistan’s military has had a bad couple of months. Unless it rethinks its priorities, expect tactical gains to lead to strategic disaster.

When Two Tribes Go to War
Mustafa Qadri finds out for himself during a night patrol with members of an anti-Taliban militia in Pakistan that it’s kill or be killed.

A Reality Check on India, Pakistan
India and Pakistan have announced that peace talks will resume. But until Pakistan rethinks its policy on terrorism, don’t expect real progress.