
Philippines elections 2016

Philippines: Duterte’s Policies Take Shape

Philippines: Duterte’s Policies Take Shape

By Joshua Kurlantzick
Some of the president-elect's likely domestic and foreign policies have become clearer.
Philippines: Some Brief Takeaways on Duterte’s Win

Philippines: Some Brief Takeaways on Duterte’s Win

By Joshua Kurlantzick
What can the nation expect now that Rodrigo Duterte has been confirmed as the winner of its presidential election?

The Philippines Under Duterte: Reassurance Needed At Home and Abroad

The Philippines Under Duterte: Reassurance Needed At Home and Abroad

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s president must start reconciling rhetoric with reality as he prepares to govern.

Elections in The Philippines: New Hope for Peace?

Elections in The Philippines: New Hope for Peace?

By Harriet Lamb
With campaigning well underway for the presidential election on May 9, a look at the implications for peace.

The Philippines: the Elections, the Alliance, and a Rising Power

The Philippines: the Elections, the Alliance, and a Rising Power

By Charmaine Misalucha-Willoughby
How will the upcoming Philippine elections impact the country’s foreign policy trajectory?
How Will the Philippines Presidential Election Transform the Country?

How Will the Philippines Presidential Election Transform the Country?

By Joshua Kurlantzick
How would the candidates handle the significant challenges that still confront the country?

Nazi Germany Steals Headlines in Philippines Election Debate

Nazi Germany Steals Headlines in Philippines Election Debate

By Mong Palatino
Joseph Goebbels makes a surprise appearance..
6 Events That Will Shape Philippine Politics in 2015

6 Events That Will Shape Philippine Politics in 2015

By Mong Palatino
The last year before the 2016 presidential elections promises to be an interesting one.

Philippine Midterm Polls Give Preview of 2016 Presidential Race

Philippine Midterm Polls Give Preview of 2016 Presidential Race

Judging by surveys, Philippine political dynasties are on good footing leading up to midterm elections.

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