
Capturing the Spirit of Burma
By David Heath
A Photographer's China
Embracing China isn’t just about shooting from behind a camera lens. Connecting with its people is key.

Finding Flow
A talk with a photographer who documented hard-to-capture scenes in Burma.

Loving the Big Picture
Thirty-one Kim Jong-ils and a peek into China’s new ‘capital of cool.’
Sayonara Wine Paradox?
I have to admit it was the image–a tuxedo-clad Asian pouring wine into a steaming purple pool of people–that caught my eye before the article in the Guardian it accompanies, titled ‘Japanese wine forces grape snobs to think again.’ The shot was act
Shooting India
As a prelude to highlighting Indian cinema later this week, I thought it would be fitting to hear more from Chris Morton, whose captivating portrait shots of Indian people I featured here last week. I asked Chris some questions about the inspiration
Finding India
This time last year, Slumdog Millionaire had only been shown at select venues in North America, but was already creating buzz as something potentially very big. And the movie certainly lived up to expectations–it was a global hit, winning numerous i