
Piracy in Southeast Asia

Piracy and Armed Robbery in Southeast Asia: The Need for a Fresh Approach

Piracy and Armed Robbery in Southeast Asia: The Need for a Fresh Approach

By Prakash Panneerselvam and K.G. Ramkumar
The region needs to address the growing incidence of piracy and armed robbery before it becomes a serious security concern.
Dangerous Waters: Maritime Crime in the Sulu Sea

Dangerous Waters: Maritime Crime in the Sulu Sea

By Zam Yusa
Despite COVID-19 and a number of security initiatives, piracy, kidnapping, and terrorist movements continue in the Sulu Sea.

COVID-19 Could Spark a New Era of Piracy in Southeast Asia

COVID-19 Could Spark a New Era of Piracy in Southeast Asia

By Drake Long
Amid the impending economic disaster from the pandemic, increased crime in Southeast Asian seas is inevitable.

Indonesia’s Chance to Advocate Maritime Security Issues on the Security Council

Indonesia’s Chance to Advocate Maritime Security Issues on the Security Council

By Pandu Utama Manggala
Indonesia has won a seat at the UN’s top body. Time to make good use of this chance to advance maritime security.

Countering the ‘Pirates’ Paradise’: Unmanned Systems and Marine Security in Southeast Asia

Countering the ‘Pirates’ Paradise’: Unmanned Systems and Marine Security in Southeast Asia

By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
Drones could help close the capabilities gaps that allow pirates to flourish in Asian waters.
Piracy in Australia’s Neighbors  

Piracy in Australia’s Neighbors  

By Nathan Page
Capacity-building in Melanesia will have a direct impact on Australian security.

Asia's Deadly Pirates

Asia's Deadly Pirates

By Neil Thompson
Asia sees more kidnappings and armed robberies at sea than anywhere else in the world.
Indonesia Needs to Step up Its Fight Against Maritime Piracy

Indonesia Needs to Step up Its Fight Against Maritime Piracy

By Dedi Dinarto
Indonesia's new maritime forum with Japan misses some critical areas of potential cooperation.

10 Years of Fighting Pirates in Asia

10 Years of Fighting Pirates in Asia

By Prakash Panneerselvam
As ReCAAP marks its 10th anniversary, a look back at the achievements.

Confronting Threats in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas: Opportunities and Challenges

Confronting Threats in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas: Opportunities and Challenges

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Tackling the manifold problems in the tri-border area will require some heavy lifting by concerned states.

The Other Sea That Dominated the 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue

The Other Sea That Dominated the 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beyond the South China Sea, conversations at the 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue also centered on the Sulu Sea.
Abductions at Sea: A 3-Way Security Challenge for Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines

Abductions at Sea: A 3-Way Security Challenge for Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines

By Jacqueline Espenilla
As Southeast Asian pirates turn to abductions, what can regional states do?

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